Our Missions

Australian Institute of FinTech (Reg. ID. ACN640664053), initiated by Australian Fintech Exchange (AFX) and other financial corporations, is the first FinTech-oriented institute in Australia focusing on innovative research and revolutionary applications of FinTech. Our mission is to focus on the frontiers of FinTech, build the cutting-edge Industry-Academia-Research collaboration platform for FinTech, conduct world-class scientific research, start up high-end forums and training for FinTech-related financial, industrial, and academic elites, and incubate top FinTech projects. The institute was established in 2020 when the anti-globalization was prevailing, let us set foot on the ark of the human science and technology community, join hands and surpass in the wave of technological progress!

Our current research and implementation focus is on blockchain and its derivative science and technology. Blockchain is one of the most attractive FinTech since 2008. Its distributed and consensus disciplinary characteristics have destined its revolutionary potential in the context of transnational and cross-interest groups, and it is very likely to become the underlying operating engine and trust root of a number of fields in the future world. We will focus on blockchain technology in the medium and long term, continue to promote the integration and implementation of related production, education and research, continue to promote related basic scientific research and transformation, and continue to organize related high-end forums and training activities.