Mid-Term Plan For 2021

Research and Transformation

1. Facing basic research, a number of wold-class research teams for FinTech-related cutting-edge research will be built and the incubation for the practical solutions will be provided.  A number of (tenured/associated) professors with world-class scientific research level will be hired in the form of full-time/dual-employment. We will establish academic committees and confer the qualifications of academicians/professors/associate professors/researchers/associate researchers in the Australian Institute of FinTech. We will Set up a number of academic research teams. It is expected to publish some papers in top academic journals and form a substantial influence in the academic world. We provide incubation for practical research results.

2. We provide research and development training for college students with potential. We will set up long-term cooperation with top universities such as Tsinghua University, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, Monash University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and National University of Singapore. For college students with scientific research potential, a scientific research intern mechanism is implemented to encourage students to join the research team. For college students with outstanding engineering abilities, the R&D intern mechanism is implemented to encourage students to participate in the development of key projects.

3. A research grant mechanism is implemented to provide financial support for promising research projects. Facing the world's first-class scientific research and engineering teams, we grant R&D funding to some projects with prospects. We establish a reasonable mid-term evaluation mechanism for mid- and long-term funding projects. We establish a scientific patent dispute handling mechanism and legal safeguard measures.

4. Organize academic conferences for basic scientific research.